Friday, December 5, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination

I'm a procrastinator... I always have been. People hate me for it with the highest levels of hatred possible. I remember seeing a meme and it said, "procrastinators unite!.... Tomorrow" and it made me laugh really hard. Its really a large problem for me. Procrastination effects me a lot. Every week I think if I have time to do something then i'll just wait till the last day that I have to do it, and then I forget to do what I was supposed to do.

Even this blog post that your reading probably took a few days for me to remember to get done. I wish I could become the best student ever and still be who I am but its hard. There are so many classes that I could have an A in right now but I don't finish the work I need to too get that A.  All the slacking off I do makes everything so hard for me. I always wait till the last day to do something and I  desperately want to change that.

I would change my work habits a lot. Back in 2nd 3rd and 4th grade I was a perfect student. I never had detention. I almost never got in trouble, and teachers loved me. I started procrastinating in 5th grade and now its hard to stop. If I could change my work habits I would make them what they used to be. I would do my work right after school. I would turn all important papers in the day after I got them. I would change by writing myself notes or writing on a calendar so I would remember what I needed to do for the day. After a while I would probably remember what I needed to do without the calendar or notes helping me and remembering what I needed to do would become a habit of mine.